We are excited to announce that we have started up a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group at Community Reformed Church!

You are welcome to join our 2010-2011 program at anytime of the year. We meet every 1st and 3rd Friday from 9:30-11:00 a.m. (schedule above). You can register right on site at the meeting.

If you are not familiar with MOPS please click on any of the links above or visit http://www.mops.org/ for more information. We are excited to begin this adventure with you and other moms of the community as we learn and share our adventures of motherhood!

About Our Group

Community Reformed Church MOPS meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Community Reformed Church, 10376 Felch Street in Zeeland, and runs October through May. Women of all ages and backgrounds are invited to join us—the only requirement is that you are the mother of a child age 0-5. Childcare is provided so that our moms can have a well-deserved break & come away feeling refreshed (see MOPPETS program below).

Each time we meet, we begin with breakfast together and then we either spend time working on a craft as a large group, or we have a speaker on a topic relevant to moms. Then, we get together in small groups to talk about the speaker’s topic, motherhood, our joys and sorrows, or whatever else is on our minds. You’ll be assigned to sit with the same table of women throughout the year so you can get to know them better. Over the course of the year, each table takes a turn at providing breakfast for the group.


Meetings run from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. and children may be dropped off beginning at 9:15 a.m. Breakfast begins at 9:15 a.m. and the meeting starts promptly at 9:30 a.m.

Please note that if Zeeland Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, MOPS will be canceled.


While you are enjoying a morning of relaxation and rejuvenation, your children are being cared for in a parallel program called MOPPETS. Our MOPPETS program is designed specifically to care for the needs of infants, toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners. Every MOPPETS morning is filled with stories, songs, crafts, playtime, and a snack. We have loving teachers and volunteers in each room to care for your children.


We want to make our MOPS meetings affordable and do not want anyone to be excluded due to financial reasons. If you decide our MOPS group is right for you and your children, there is a suggested donation of $5 per meeting to help cover the cost of childcare, speakers, crafts, and refreshments. No one keeps track of when or what you donate—if you find value in our meetings, we invite you to give as you are able.
However, moms are asked to pay a $24.95 MOPS-to-Moms membership fee to MOPS International. This fee is due by your second MOPS meeting. MOPS International provides us with valuable resources for running our group and by registering with MOPS International, you will receive the following benefits for a full year:

MomSense magazine
MOPS logo “Friends don’t let friends mother alone!” reusable shopping bag
MOPS bumper sticker
No Mom Alone 2-in-1 frame magnet
MOPS bag tag that can be used on luggage, diaper bags or even your gym bag!

If you have questions, or would like to register, please contact Community Reformed Church MOPS Coordinator Trisha Zeerip via e-mail at communitymops@gmail.com or Nakisha De Jong @ 772-4907.